Originally published at Orange County Catholic

IN THE PREVIOUS ARTICLE, I discussed how my journey into medicine, particularly cardiology, was shaped by a profound sense of faith and a deep belief in the harmony between science and spirituality. As I continued my work as a cardiologist, this belief was not only reinforced but also expanded through my encounters with Eucharistic miracles—particularly those involving cardiac tissue. These extraordinary events opened a new dimension in my understanding of both the heart and the Eucharist, revealing a connection between faith and science that is both mysterious and awe-inspiring.

As a cardiologist, my professional expertise has given me a unique perspective on Eucharistic miracles, especially those that involve the presence of cardiac tissue in consecrated Hosts. These miracles, such as those reported in Lanciano, Italy and Buenos Aires, Argentina, have captured the attention of both the faithful and the scientific community. When I first encountered accounts of these miracles, I approached them with both scientific curiosity and deep spiritual reverence.

If you’re not familiar with what occurred at Lanciano, Buenos Aires, and other similar events, rest assured that I will spend time later in this series describing these miracles in greater detail. For now, I invite