Originally published at Churchpop

Saint Junipero Serra was born to poor, hardworking, unlearned farming parents on the picturesque Island of Majorca off the coast of Spain in 1713.

His parents wanted him to have an education and sent him to the Franciscan school in Palma, Majorca where he learned Theology, Philosophy, mathematics, literature and to read, write, and speak Latin.

He continued helping his parents on their agricultural and livestock farm which was good preparation for the work he would later do for the Missions.

Padre (Father) Serra was ordained in 1738 and soon became the Superior of the Lullian University on Majorca. He had a PhD in Theology and taught all the subjects he had learned in school. As well as being a brilliant professor, he was gifted in singing Gregorian Chant.

During his time as a professor at the university, and teaching the Saint John Scotus’ dissertation on the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Mother, his position came into jeopardy since the Spanish Inquisition opposed this belief. It was not until more than 100 years later the Immaculate Conception was declared a dogma of the church on Dec. 8, 1854.

Father Serra then volunteered to become a missionary along with many other Spanish priests who left