Originally published at Southern Cross

By Father Emmet Farrell and Christina Slentz

SAN DIEGO — What is ecological spirituality? Ecology has to do with organisms (like us humans) and our relationship to all other organisms and our physical surroundings. How are we relating to our environment? Spiritual ecology looks at the harmonious nature of this relationship—specifically how well we are conserving, protecting and promoting the gift of God’s creation, as we are called to do. How well are we caring for our fellow human beings, the plants, animals, and even inanimate resources?
The Vatican’s Laudato Si’ Action Platform argues ecological spirituality “springs from a profound ecological conversion and helps us to ‘discover God in all things,’ both in the beauty of creation and in the sighs of the sick and the groans of the afflicted, aware that the life of the spirit is not dissociated from worldly realities.”
Father Joshtrom Kureethadam, the head of the Vatican’s Ecological and Creation Office, writes that an “ecological conversion calls for a return to the Creator.” To do so, we must examine our behavior and adopt a spirit of repentance; we must recognize God as the Creator of all things; and we must act to repair our broken relationship with God and