Originally published at Ignatian Spirituality

I led a half-day retreat for Directors of Religious Education at a nearby parish. These are the men and women who work hard all year through, helping to care for the faith of others. They are nearly always “on duty,” organizing, running, and problem-solving within their parish faith formation programs.

The weather had finally come around to spring qualities. We were at an expansive retreat center with lawns and water and trees and stately buildings. I had come with sort of a plan, but I nearly always finalize plans as we go, reading the audience and the situation and designing the kinds of exercises and activities that seem to fit best. I took one look at the 20-plus DREs and knew what the first assignment would be. First, I read from The Church of Mercy, by Pope Francis:

Let us also remember Peter: three times he denied Jesus, precisely when he should have been closest to him. And when he hits rock bottom, he meets the gaze of Jesus who patiently, wordlessly, says to him, “Peter, don’t be afraid of your weakness, trust in me.” Peter understands, he feels the loving gaze of Jesus,