Originally published at Orange County Catholic

The Lenten season of penance, sacrifice and detachment from the things that enslave us has come to completion.

We are now halfway through the Easter season in which we celebrate Jesus’ Resurrection.

This is a time to rejoice in Jesus’ victory over sin and death. We are assured to “be not afraid” (Matt 28:1-10) and receive the peace that Jesus offers in His Easter appearances.

With Pentecost approaching and trusting in Jesus’ promise to send the Holy Spirit, let us examine ourselves and take a good look at where we are spiritually. We want to continue to receive the peace of Christ. His peace brings forth the inner freedom needed and prepares us to receive the Holy Spirit at Pentecost

This enables us to be empowered by the Holy Spirit and propels us into the world as “ambassadors for Christ” (2Cor 5:20); going forth as “witnesses” of Christ (Acts 2:32).

As missionary disciples burning with love and zeal for God, we can use the gifts of the Holy Spirit to evangelize, convert and reconcile the hearts of sinners to God! (2 Cor 5:11-21)

In order to be effective witnesses of the Resurrection, we must deepen our relationship with the Lord