Originally published at crisis magazine

The belief system known as “wokeism” has become, for all intents and purposes, the religion of the ruling regime. Transgenderism is not only the regime’s theoretical philosophy; it has, in practice, infected leaders at the highest levels of government. The sitting vice president and Democratic presidential candidate apparently supports racial reparations and taxpayer-funded transgender surgeries for prisoners. The Holy Trinity of Father, Son, and Holy Spirit has been replaced among the ruling class with the unholy trinity of the worship of heterodox views of race, sex, and sexuality. This is not an exaggeration; it is the reality of the current American regime.

Yet weak regimes do not last and wokeism is weak. History makes clear that weak cultures lack the strong foundations to survive. Nazi Germany marched through a weak and exhausted post-Christian Europe. Japan, infused with Western technology, dominated a weak and primitive China in the century before World War II. And for centuries, the Islamic world has conquered weak and faltering neighbors by the sword. 

Every regime requires a religion, a transcendent system of beliefs, rituals, and morals that governs the people and bestows order. Religions that cannot hold a people together cannot maintain a ruling regime for