Originally published at National Catholic Register

In an election year in which a record number of states with pro-abortion measures are on the ballot, Nebraska is the only state to have a pro-abortion ballot measure competing with a pro-life measure. 

Chelsey Youman, with Human Coalition Action, a national pro-life group based in Texas, on “EWTN News In Depth” recently said that amid a “disinformation” campaign, Nebraska is “fighting back.”

“Nebraska is taking a unique approach to this issue and fighting back, saying that we’re not going to accept the pro-abortion industry’s rampant push of extreme constitutional measures to allow abortion on demand without limits throughout the entire pregnancy, all three trimesters,” Youman told “EWTN News In Depth” host Catherine Hadro on Oct. 18.

Nebraska’s ballot measure 439 would create a constitutional right to abortion, while measure 434 would establish constitutional protections for unborn children in later stages of pregnancy. 

Tom Venzor, executive director of the Nebraska Catholic Conference, called the pro-abortion measure “worse than Roe v. Wade.”

“Initiative 439 is a very extreme proposal that allows abortions throughout the entire pregnancy,” Venzor continued. “Alternatively, you have Initiative 434, which provides some protection in the second and third trimester for the unborn child but then allows us