Originally published at Southern Cross

SAN DIEGO — About 2,600 people participated in the 13th annual San Diego Walk for Life on Jan. 18, many carrying pro-life banners and signs as they walked a half-mile loop around Waterfront Park in downtown San Diego.

Within the park itself, several speakers addressed the crowd from a stage, which was flanked by about 50 exhibitor booths manned by pro-life and pro-family organizations.

Keynote speaker Ramona Treviño, former manager of a Planned Parenthood facility in Texas, denounced her former employer as “the nation’s largest abortion criminal organization,” which is “responsible for 300,000-plus babies’ lives taken every year in this country.”

Treviño, who now serves as outreach director for 40 Days for Life, shared the story of her pro-life conversion. It came about through a confluence of factors, beginning with stumbling upon a Catholic radio program where women were sharing their stories of regretting their abortion.

Another flashpoint came after undercover videos had exposed Planned Parenthood employees willing to schedule abortions for victims of statutory rape. Treviño said that the abortion provider pledged that it would retrain its staff on how to report sexual abuse.

“But when I attended the retraining, I discovered that … it was to train us on how