Originally published at National Catholic Register

The prefect of the Holy See’s Dicastery for the Eastern Churches, Cardinal Claudio Gugerotti, asked bishops to avoid promoting fundraising events that would duplicate the Pontifical Collection for the Holy Land taken up on Good Friday. 

“Please, avoid our churches promoting similar collections for this same purpose, so that the meaning and effectiveness of your charity, which responds to the universal initiative of the successor of Peter, the bishop of Rome, are not undercut,” the cardinal stated in a letter released Monday.

“Everything you have collected can be sent directly to this dicastery by the commissariats of the Holy Land in your country,” he added in the letter, which was also signed by the secretary of the Holy See’s Dicastery for the Eastern Churches, Archbishop Michel Jalakh.

The goal of the annual collection is to raise funds to sustain the holy sites and the charitable works carried out there. Ultimately, it aims to alleviate the suffering and needs of those Christians who, despite the difficulties, remain in the Holy Land.

“I feel a great responsibility to address the Catholic bishops, in the name of the Holy Father, to convey to you the call of the Church in response to the