Originally published at National Catholic Register

Schellhorn outlined how U.K. leaders have spoken out against the bill and are urging U.K. Catholics to oppose it.

Catholic leaders in the U.K. have hit back at plans to introduce assisted suicide in England and Wales in a key debate.

Labour member of Parliament Kim Leadbeater is proposing a bill to offer terminally ill people in England and Wales the right to end their lives. The title of the bill was announced on Wednesday — the Terminally Ill Adults (End of Life) Bill.

In an Oct. 14 interview with EWTN News Nightly anchor Tracy Sabol, English Catholic anti-euthanasia campaigner Matthew Schellhorn discussed a study released by King’s College London in which 63% of those surveyed said they favor legalizing euthanasia in the next five years. Assisted suicide is currently illegal in the U.K.

Schellhorn questioned the validity of the study, saying: “One can pull out a poll on any subject and find a majority in favor of anything.”

Schellhorn explained how the bill is being introduced via a procedure called a private member’s bill, which enables an individual member of Parliament to introduce a bill and have it proceed through the U.K. Parliament. However, Schellhorn pointed out that