Originally published at Churchpop

The powerful short film, “The Veil Removed,” beautifully depicts how Heaven miraculously joins Earth at Mass.

It perfectly captures the most extraordinary event in history: Christ’s sacrifice of Calvary. An endless, continual sacrifice that transcends time and space itself, blending the supernatural world with the natural world.

When we celebrate the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, Christ’s Sacrifice of the Cross is renewed, and we become present to that very same timeless sacrifice that occurred 2,000 years ago.

Through the Real Presence of Christ in the Eucharist through the miraculous process of transubstantiation, Christ offers Himself for humankind in the same way he offered Himself on the Cross as a Spotless Victim, Pure Victim, and Holy Victim.

Just as though the Virgin Mary, the beloved disciples Saint John, Saint Mary Magdalene, and Saint Mary of Clopas stood by the Cross of Jesus 2,000 years ago to witness the extraordinary moment where Christ conquered death by sacrificing Himself once and for all.

During the consecration of the bread and wine in the Mass, the entire congregation also becomes spiritually present at the foot of the Cross on Calvary.

Although not visible to us, according to Christian tradition, from the moment of the consecration, heaven opens, and a vast multitude