Originally published at National Catholic Register

Highlights of the year included Pope Francis’ longest trip, an 11-day journey through Asia and Oceania; the conclusion of the Synod on Synodality; and the addition of 20 new cardinals to the body that will choose the next pontiff.

Vatican news highlights of the year 2024 included Pope Francis’ longest trip, an 11-day journey through Asia and Oceania; the conclusion of the three-year global process known as the Synod on Synodality; and the addition of 20 new cardinals to the body that will choose the next pontiff.

All these events reinforced themes that have marked the current pontificate practically from its start: a preference for travel to non-Western countries; an emphasis on wider consultation of the laity; and a tendency to choose men of untraditional background or location as princes of the Church.

Pope Francis also displayed a by-now-familiar feature of his leadership style: the use of an apparently strategic ambiguity that stirs up discussion and widens the range of acceptable views on some of the most sensitive questions in the Church’s life. This year that approach was particularly striking with regard to teaching on same-sex relationships, women’s ordination and surrogate motherhood.

The best-known example of this method