Originally published at National Catholic Register

The Devil is in the Details – Dan Burke at Catholic Spiritual Direction

Questions About Liturgy: Vestments for Altar Boys – Zenit

The Seal of Confession – Edward N. Peters, J.C.D., J.D., at Simply Catholic

We Must Give to God and to the Poor: The Difference between Alms and Tithes – Matthew McKenna at Catholic Exchange

Green Need Not Mean ‘Ordinary’ – Shawn R. Tribe at Liturgical Arts Journal

Carolingian Glories: A Closer Look – Hilary White at The Sacred Images Project

Those Who Feel Eternity: Goodness and the Religious Life – Masha Goepel at Catholic Stand

The Brand New Mystic Update, for All Your Spiritual Needs! – Mystic Update

Path to Jesus is Not That Difficult, Saint Augustine Shows Us the Way – Marlon De La Torre, Ph.D., at Knowing Is Doing

Go to Big Pulpit for Catholic News, Punditry, and Analysis, Curated for Catholics! – Big Pulpit

Healing Through Stories: Book for Families Grieving After Losing a Baby – Theoni Bell at Ignitum Today

Follow ‘The Best In Catholic Blogging’ Contributor on X – Robert Edwards

The Multi-Generational Domestic Church – Nancy Lessard at Catholic365

Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration Live! – The Chapel in Poland that Saint Maximilian Kolbe