Originally published at Ignatian Spirituality
I read a Facebook post that said, “I am so angry at God today. This is the sixth day in a row I have sat at my sister’s bedside, watching her suffer in pain, waiting, just waiting, for God to take her. Why doesn’t he? This is so unfair to all of us.”
I have to restrain myself from offering an immediate reply to assuage her anger. Anger is an emotion I am learning to navigate. So far, I have learned that it is better to express it in prayer than to hold it in or deny it. Is it OK to curse in prayer? I don’t know. But, if I am being honest, I do. It’s where I am at the moment. I’d like to think God’s love is big enough to say, “Bring it on!”
When I am angry at God, and even wanting to shout out all my hostility, I put myself in the scene of the Crucifixion. I watch the crowd shouting at Jesus in anger for claiming to be the Son of God. I can identify with their frustration at their lot in life and at witnessing Jesus not being the Messiah they expected, one