Originally published at National Catholic Register

The book is available through EWTN Religious Catalogue.

This Lent, sales of The Way by Saint Josemaría Escrivá have skyrocketed thanks to Hallow’s Lent Pray40 Challenge, with listeners diving deeper into the writings of the Spanish-born saint in his most well-known book.

“The Way” reached the #1 spot on Amazon’s “Christian Inspirational” and “Christian Devotionals” lists, as well as the “Inspirational Spirituality” list. It was also #5 on Amazon’s “Religion and Spirituality” list and #33 on the general books list.

Hallow is using Escrivá’s The Way as a companion to its Lenten prayer challenge this year. The book consists of 999 points that aim to help the faithful pray and encourage them to love God, live for him, and converse with him. 

Saint Escrivá founded the personal prelature Opus Dei in 1928. John Coverdale, author of several books on the history of Opus Dei, spoke to CNA about Escrivá’s book and why he believes it resonates with so many readers.

“[Escrivá] kept a sort of journal or diary in the early years of the work and wrote down both encounters he had with people and striking things people said to him and also things from his own prayer,”