Originally published at National Catholic Register

The cave-in occurred almost two hours before the Eucharistic celebration.

Part of the roof of San Luis Obispo (St. Louis Bishop) Church in the town of Calkiní located north of the Campeche, the capital of the Mexican state of the same name, collapsed a few hours before Mass was to be offered for the feast of the Holy Family. No injuries were reported.

Father Luis Ángel Mendoza Pérez, spokesman for the Diocese of Campeche, told ACI Prensa, CNA’s Spanish-language news partner, that around 3 p.m. local time on Sunday, Dec. 29, the vault of the church collapsed “from the entrance of the main door extending approximately 14 meters [45 feet] in length.”

The cave-in occurred almost two hours before the Eucharistic celebration, which was scheduled for 5 p.m.

San Luis Obispo Church in Calkiní, Campeche state, in Mexico. Credit: San Luis Obispo Church

Father Mendoza noted that the area where the roof fell, as well as a quarter of the church, “had been cordoned off to the faithful with barricade tape for more than a month” as a measure to protect the faithful from the deterioration of the structure.

The priest also pointed out that the church’s pastor, Father