Originally published at National Catholic Register

The apostolic nunciature in Peru announced that Pope Francis has approved the expulsion of two more members of the Sodalitium Christianae Vitae (Sodality of Christian Life) in the wake of the report of the special mission he sent in July 2023 to investigate allegations of abuse.

The statement from the nunciature was published Oct. 21 by the Peruvian Bishops’ Conference.

The text mentions José Ambrozic Velezmoro, former assistant for Temporalities, Communications, and Apostolate as well as former vicar general, along with Father Luis Antonio Ferroggiaro Dentone.

Although the name of Ricardo Trenemann Young also appears in the statement, his expulsion from the sodality had already been announced on Sept. 25.

According to the nunciature, Pope Francis made the decision “after evaluating the defense [statements] corresponding to the accusations that emerged during the ‘Special Mission’” entrusted to Archbishop Charles Scicluna and Monsignor Jordi Bertomeu, adjunct secretary of the Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith and official of the same dicastery, respectively.

“In adopting this decision, the scandal caused by the number and gravity of the abuses reported by the victims was considered, particularly contrary to the balanced and liberating experience of the evangelical counsels in the context of the ecclesial