Originally published at National Catholic Register

The pontiff also pointed out ‘the need for each institution to strive to find external resources for its mission, setting an example of transparent and responsible management in the service of the Church.’

Pope Francis has called on cardinals to work to achieve the goal of “zero deficit” in the economy of the Catholic Church through cost reduction, the search for external resources, and evangelical generosity.

In a Sept. 16 letter released Friday by the Vatican Press Office, Pope Francis recalled that 10 years ago the reform of the Roman Curia began in the spirit of the principle “Ecclesia semper reformanda” (“the Church always reforming”). During this time, he pointed out, “despite the difficulties and, sometimes, that temptation of immobility and inflexibility in the face of change, many results have been accomplished in these years.”

Focused on the economic reform of the Holy See — “one of the topics that has most characterized the general congregations prior to the conclave,” he pointed out — Pope Francis said “an extra effort is now required from everyone so that a ‘zero deficit’ is not just a theoretical goal but an actually achievable objective.” 

This objective is based on the awareness that