Originally published at National Catholic Register
Father Hoyos told EWTN News that ‘God will hold us accountable for all the lives we are allowing to be murdered in the world.’
The bishop of Cajamarca, Peru, has denounced a “direct attack” on the Catholic Church’s freedom of speech by the LGBTQ+ community, which accuses the Church of the “alleged crime of discrimination” for a talk warning of the consequences of “Comprehensive Sexual Education” (CSE) in Peru.
In a statement signed by Bishop Isaac Martínez Chuquizana of Cajamarca, the diocese referred to the complaint filed in December 2024 by Reyna Consuelo Solís Rivera, “who claims to be part of the LGBTQ+ community,” with the Specialized Prosecutor’s Office for Human Rights and Interculturality of the Public Prosecutor’s Office of Cajamarca.
Solís’ complaint targets “representatives of the Diocese of Cajamarca and Human Life International,” who gave the talk titled “Comprehensive Sexual Education and Its Consequences” on Aug. 26, 2024, at the Cajamarca Book Fair.
The talk was led by Father Javier Hoyos Huamán, head of the Life and Family Committee of the Diocese of Cajamarca, and Roxaida Carolina López de Ojeda from Human Life International, who holds a master’s degree in bioethics. The participants warned about the harmful consequences