Originally published at Southern Cross

SAN DIEGO — Local parishes, in collaboration with JP2 Catholic Radio, will host the traveling “Man of the Shroud Exhibit.”

The free exhibit features 41 life-size panels that explore the historical context and scientific studies of the Shroud of Turin, which many believe is the burial shroud of Jesus Christ. Visitors will also experience an immersive display, including authentic artifacts related to the Shroud, a full-size replica of the Shroud, and a life-size statue of Christ in a state of rigor mortis, reflecting the suffering depicted in the Shroud’s image.

Local Catholics can experience the exhibit March 25 to 27 at Sacred Heart Parish in Brawley; March 28 to 29 at Immaculate Heart of Mary Parish, Ramona; March 29 to April 6 at St. Gabriel Parish, Poway; April 7 to 10 at St. Michael Parish, Poway; April 13 to 16 at St. Mary Parish, El Centro; and May 15 to 18 at Sacred Heart Parish, Coronado.

The exhibit is available at no cost to local parishes, schools and Catholic organizations.

For more information about the exhibit, including viewing and presentation times at each parish, or to explore hosting opportunities, visit jp2radio.com/shroud-of-turin-exhibit.