Originally published at National Catholic Register

During these precarious, turbulent times, for the heavenly help we need, beginning Sunday, Oct. 27, EWTN to broadcast a special election novena.

No doubt, these are trying times. Our country is straining at the seams. Sides are split. Rancor is running high. Parties are poles apart. Foreign wars seem intent on dragging the United States closer to them. Marriage is attacked. Gender assaulted. Families besieged. Religious freedom is in danger. Churches and statues vandalized, desecrated. But this is no time for handwringing or being at a loss ahead of a contentious election on Nov. 5. 

There is only one effective remedy: prayer. As individuals and as a country, there has to be a return to God, a return to Jesus as Lord. One of the ways Catholics can gather in a united voice to seek heavenly help is to join EWTN’s “Novena to the Mother of God for the Nation” that begins Sunday, Oct. 27. 

The novena’s introduction reminds the faithful quite clearly: “In times of crisis, Catholics turn instinctively to the Mother of God to heal our wounds. Now, we can all do our part in this national effort by praying the Novena to the Mother of God