Originally published at National Catholic Register

Against a backdrop of joyful trumpets and rising incense, Archbishop Jeffrey Grob was installed as the newest leader of the Archdiocese of Milwaukee, Wisconsin, Tuesday.

And despite the grandeur of downtown Milwaukee’s Cathedral of St. John the Evangelist, the new shepherd didn’t hesitate to draw from his humble rural roots to share how he plans to lead the largest diocese in the state known as “America’s Dairyland.”

“Together, we will look to the future, continuing to grow what has been planted by others,” Archbishop Grob, who grew up on a dairy farm in Cross Plains, Wisconsin, in the neighboring Diocese of Madison, said in his homily.

Archbishop Grob drew other lessons from his agricultural upbringing, underscoring the need to respect the created order, especially the inherent dignity of every human person.

“No one should ever be summarily rejected, regardless of how flawed the individual may appear, or how grave the sinner,” he preached.

Archbishop Grob also spoke about the need to remain hopeful amid “changing seasons,” and highlighted the importance of “working together with neighboring farmers.”

“In a world ever increasing with contention, conflict, and destruction of the other, the works of charity and kindness are desperately needed,” he said.