Originally published at Orange County Catholic

FR. MARTIN VU, PAROCHIAL administrator of St. Joseph’s in Placentia, delivered a Christmas homily a couple of years ago that touched on the familiar theme of celebration.

“And what are we celebrating?” Fr. Martin asked. “Or, as the famous phrase says, what is the ‘reason for the season?’

He continued: “Some people are celebrating that there is no school. Others are celebrating time at home with family members and friends. And still others are celebrating the wonderful deals on Amazon Prime.

“These are all great things. But today we are celebrating something even greater.”

Fr. Martin went on to describe how Christmas is the birthday of Jesus, and how usually when it’s a person’s birthday we give that person gifts. The gift Jesus wants from us, Fr. Martin said, is “your heart, your mind, your family. He wants you. That’s what He wants the most.”

As for giving gifts to family and friends – well, why give presents to one another on Christmas if it is supposed to celebrate the birth of Christ? That’s the question posed by Fr. Charles Grondin in a column he wrote for Catholic Answers, a media ministry that explains the Catholic faith.