Originally published at Churchpop
This Harvard Professor told 17,000 Catholic college students that “happiness is a gateway drug to Heaven.” He just might have the secret formula to attain happiness that will last.
FOCUS’ SEEK25 conference commenced on New Year’s Day with thousands of college students from across the country gathering in Salt Lake City, Utah. With five days of keynote talks each focusing on an aspect of the Gospel, the first day concentrated on humanity being created to be in relationship with God.
Following the opening Mass, professor, author, and columnist at The Atlantic Arthur Brooks took the stage and began by sharing that he is a teacher of happiness.
As a professor of one of the most popular classes at the Harvard Business School, Brooks said 450 students are on the waiting list to take his “Happiness Class.” He also emphasized the demand, saying “There’s even an illegal Zoom link they think I am unaware of.”
The class is purely science-based, yet Brooks says the top question he receives from students is “How do I fall in love and get married and stay married and start a family?”, only to be followed by questions about his faith.
Brooks mentioned that on the first day of class