Originally published at National Catholic Register

OLD TESTAMENT & ART: Art and theology converge to bring the Old Testament’s stories to life.

Join us for the next year as we make our way through the Old Testament. Despite the Second Vatican Council’s promotion of Scripture reading, many Catholics are still not as familiar with the Bible as they should be. That is likely doubly true when it comes to the Old Testament. In this series, we’ll focus on key events and persons in the Old Testament, discussing what they meant in their day and their further application in light of the New Testament. We’ll also see how those events (and their theology) were captured by our larger culture through examining a classical piece of art that illustrates the passage we are considering. Your questions and comments are always welcome in the comments section. 

Creation (Genesis 1)

Even secular people generally know something of the accounts of creation in Genesis 1-2. Whenever people hear the phrase, “In the beginning,” most instinctively revert to the first pages of the Bible. 

Yet the accounts of creation are often misunderstood. Some people would dismiss them, claiming “science” or, specifically, “evolution” has disproven them. Others seem to adopt a defensive