Originally published at National Catholic Register
This year, the annual Day of Prayer for the Legal Protection of Unborn Children, Jan. 22, falls during the novena.
This year, the annual March for Life in Washington, D.C., is taking place on Jan. 24. Ahead of the march, the U.S. Catholic Conference of Bishops (USCCB) is inviting the faithful to take part in its “9 Days for Life”initiative.
“9 Days for Life” is an annual nine-day novena for the protection of human life. Each day’s prayer intention is accompanied by a reflection and suggested actions that participants can take to help build a culture of life.
This year the novena starts on Thursday, Jan. 16, and ends on Friday, Jan. 24, the day of the March for Life.
The nine intentions include: May the tragic practice of abortion end; may each person suffering from participating in abortion find forgiveness, hope and healing in Christ; may every pregnant mother receive compassionate care and support as she nurtures the life in her womb; may every father of a unborn child lovingly support the mother of his child in welcoming new life; may every pregnant mother choosing adoption receive grace and support in embracing this loving option; may all who