Originally published at Ignatian Spirituality

To celebrate the Jubilee Year, Holy Doors opened in Rome. Like loving arms, these doors will welcome pilgrims all year, from all over the world, seeking hope and grateful for hope.

The current bronze Holy Doors at St. Peter’s Basilica replaced wooden ones from the 18th century and were installed for the Holy Year 1950. The doors at St. Peter’s depict Adam and Eve, Peter denying Jesus, the good thief at the Crucifixion, Saul’s conversion, Jesus’ appearance to disciples after the Resurrection, and other stories.

I found the artist’s choices interesting, and they got me thinking, If I had been asked to choose images for the artist, Vico Consorti, what stories would I have asked him to portray on the doors?

I pondered what images would help people desire to enter more deeply into the mystery of Christ, the Holy Door. Jesus said, “I am the gate. Whoever enters by me will be saved.” (John 10:9) And since I am an enthusiastic proponent of women’s ministry, I would suggest stories for the Holy Doors that highlight the women who encourage people to draw closer to Jesus.

King David’s great-grandma Ruth, a Moabite, deserves a spot because of her deep loyalty