Originally published at crisis magazine

The Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God is January 1st each year. The Church specifically places this commemoration on the first day of the calendar year for a reason: our entire year should be given to the Blessed Mother. 

For too many Catholics, Mary is an afterthought. Devotion to her is too often seen as optional and only for the few priests and religious who desire to pray the Rosary. Catholics can view the role of Mary as superficial, unnecessary, or just plain plastic—not real life. She is fine to have in our artwork and portrayed in statues, but that is as far as it goes. 

What we get wrong, even those who pray the Rosary regularly or who depend on Mary’s intercession, is that we are meant to have a relationship with Mary as Mother. Our conversations with her shouldn’t be built on formality or hiding behind built up piety. Like any great mom, she desires for us to have real and raw conversations with her. 

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My own journey with Mary has intensified this year because my own mother has been struggling in health. In