Originally published at National Catholic Register

The archbishop of Toulouse has consecrated the southwest French city to the Sacred Heart of Jesus ahead of a controversial street performance featuring “satanic” imagery that is set to take place next weekend. 

“If we want to conquer with Christ,” Archbishop Guy de Kerimel reflected during his homily for the Oct. 16 consecration Mass, “if we want the heart of Jesus to reign over the city and the [arch]diocese of Toulouse, we must fight the roots of evil and sin in our own heart, seek, with the grace of God, humility, flee indifference, renounce violence, work for justice, be artisans of peace, seek purity of heart, be servants of mercy, accept to suffer contradiction.”

The archbishop’s decision to consecrate the city and archdiocese comes ahead of the operatic city-funded production “La porte des Ténèbres,” translated as “The Gate of Darkness,” which is the second installment of a similar performance that took place in 2018. 

The Sacred Heart of Jesus, he emphasized to those gathered for the consecration, “is the most eloquent revelation of the victory of the divine love manifested by Jesus, son of God and son of man, dead for our sins and risen from the dead for our salvation.”
