Originally published at Ignatian Spirituality

I’ve always admired large birds such as eagles and Mississippi Kites. They seem to fly so effortlessly, soaring high or swooping low, in search of prey or protection. We’ve been fortunate to have a nest of kites in a neighbor’s tree. They usually appear every summer and put on quite a show for me as I watch from the patio. Kites don’t flap their wings when they fly; they spread them to catch the wind currents. Watching them glide so freely makes me smile and wish I were up in the sky with them.

On one particular day, those birds served as God’s vessels of grace. I didn’t notice them at first. I was having a challenging morning. I had woken up in a foul mood, and it seemed I was determined to wallow in my problems. I was certain that nothing would go right that day. For starters, I woke up to my cat jumping on me in bed and meowing for her breakfast. As I brushed my teeth, I thought of all I had to do that day. Nothing major was on the list, but each task I thought of took on a negative vibe. By the time I