Originally published at crisis magazine

I am not a black nationalist, a black separatist, or any kind of black socialist revolutionary. However, I am deeply sympathetic to a group of them based here in Missouri and Florida. They seem to be the real deal and not like certain bougie Catholic race-mongers on social media. These folks seem to be the latest victims of the FBI and its ongoing war on political speech. 

They were indicted for collaborating with Russians to—get this—influence a local election in St. Petersburg, and not the St. Petersburg in Russia but the one in Florida, the one with 250,000 residents. It was a race for mayor where the black nationalist candidate came in fifth. You can see the national security issue: as St. Petersburg goes, so goes the nation. 

They were indicted for violations of the Foreign Agents Registration Act because one of them went to a conference in Moscow nine years ago and entered into a relationship with a man the FBI said was acting in collusion with the Russian government. And they failed to register with the Justice Department that they were acting for a foreign government. 

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