Originally published at National Catholic Register
Mary didn’t have all the answers — just unwavering trust in God. On this feast of the Incarnation, ask her to help you do the same.
In my life I all too often seek to completely understand large decisions before I make a real commitment to them. I want to know exactly what is going to happen, how it is going to happen and why it is going to happen — even if I know it will bring me closer to God. Doubt arises when we allow ourselves to get lost in the details that are less important than the big picture. If a decision will bring about deeper union and intimacy with God, then that must be where our “Yes” is driven from.
In her “Yes” — her fiat — Mary, the Mother of God, does not require hard evidence or deep explanation of how these events will take place. Gabriel tells her simply, “Nothing will be impossible for God” (Luke 1:37). That is all she needed. The details of today’s solemnity provide us with the recipe for how we should follow the living God.
When we view the witness of the Blessed Mother, we can see that