Originally published at National Catholic Register
BOOK PICK: In ‘Family Faith Under Fire,’ Guarendi adroitly covers a wide array of topics that deal with parenting infants, toddlers, adolescents, adult children in college, and adult children now living on their own.
Family Faith Under Fire
Practical Answers to Everyday Challenges
By Dr. Ray Guarendi
EWTN Publishing, 2024
176 pages
To order: EWTNRC.com
With his books, his TV show Living Right with Dr. Ray, and his radio program The Doctor Is In, Ray Guarendi has become a household name for many Catholic families. As a Catholic clinical psychologist and home-schooling father of 10 children, Guarendi and his counsel have earned the respect of countless Catholic families across America. His advice in his public work has largely focused on family issues; more specifically, his wisdom is often directed toward the struggles most common to Catholic families. His latest book, Family Faith Under Fire, provides another entrée of the great advice we have come to expect from him over the years.
In this book, Guarendi has assembled the questions he has been most frequently asked by Catholics about family life, along with some pithy answers.
Most of book contains questions about raising children in an environment