Originally published at National Catholic Register
The wildfires that have devastated Los Angeles prompt modified program and focus for annual pro-life event.
The Archdiocese of Los Angeles’ annual OneLife LA, with the theme “Let Us Stand Up Together in Hope,” will go on despite the wildfires that have devastated Los Angeles, although with a modified program and focus.
While usually a walk through the streets of downtown L.A. concluding at Los Angeles State Historic Park, the combination of unhealthful air and the demand such an event has for local law enforcement acutely needed elsewhere in the city led archdiocesan officials to announce the event would be held entirely at the Cathedral of Our Lady of the Angels.
“It is our hope to build upon the spirit of OneLife LA as a movement of love and mercy in our city especially during these times that have been devastating for so many families in our communities,” Michael Donaldson, senior director of the Office of Life, Justice & Peace of the Archdiocese of Los Angeles, said in a statement.
“We will be in a different space and things will look a little different but our commitment to building a culture of life and accompanying the most vulnerable remains