Originally published at National Catholic Register

In the U.S., bishops across the country have announced specially designated Jubilee pilgrimage sites throughout their dioceses, including cathedrals, basilicas, parish churches, local and national shrines, monasteries, and more.

Millions of Catholics from around the world are converging on Rome this year for the Jubilee Year of Hope. During this special year, Catholics have the opportunity to gain indulgences by making pilgrimages, prayerfully visiting specific churches, or practicing works of mercy. 

Can’t make it all the way to Rome but still want to participate as a pilgrim? The good news is that, according to the Vatican, pilgrims anywhere in the world who undertake “a pious pilgrimage to any sacred Jubilee site” and devoutly participate in Holy Mass can obtain the indulgence. 

In addition, the faithful can also obtain the Jubilee indulgence if they devoutly visit any Jubilee site individually or in a group. While there, they should engage in Eucharistic adoration and meditation for a suitable period and conclude with the Our Father, the profession of faith, and invocations to Mary, Mother of God.

In the U.S., bishops across the country have announced specially designated Jubilee pilgrimage sites throughout their dioceses, including cathedrals, basilicas, parish churches, local and national