Originally published at National Catholic Register

The Holy Father stressed that effective education requires proximity and engagement.

Pope Francis warned that bullying in schools prepares students for war rather than peace in a powerful appeal to Catholic educators gathered at the Vatican on Saturday.

Speaking to around 2,000 Italian teachers, educators and parents celebrating significant anniversaries of their associations, the Pontiff repeatedly emphasized his message against bullying, having participants pledge “No bullying!” during the audience.

“If at school you wage war among yourselves, if you bully girls and boys who have problems, you are preparing for war, not peace,” Francis told the Paul VI Audience Hall gathering.

The meeting on Jan. 4 marked the 80th anniversary of the Italian Association of Catholic Teachers and the 50th anniversary of the Association of Catholic School Parents. Francis used the occasion to outline “God’s pedagogy” of closeness, compassion and tenderness.

Warning against a “remote pedagogy, distant from people,” the Holy Father stressed that effective education requires proximity and engagement. He illustrated this point with an anecdote about a family he had heard about, where parents and children sat together at a restaurant but remained fixated on their mobile phones instead of conversing.

“Please, in families, let’s talk!” the