Originally published at National Catholic Register
As Joseph and Mary kept their eyes on the Christ Child, set your vision on the Eucharistic Lord.
God’s method of approaching humanity is consistent over the course of history. God comes to the individual in small, seemingly insignificant ways in order to gain the chance for deeper intimacy with each one of us.
We see this most powerfully in the details of Christmas and in the reality of the Blessed Sacrament. The altar at the Sacrifice of the Mass and the manger of Bethlehem communicate and facilitate God’s approach. As we celebrate the Magi, we can learn so much from the reality they themselves were seeking.
We know that Christ is truly present in the Eucharist at each and every single Mass: Jesus comes down to us and is truly with us in that tiny Host placed on the altar. Crowds gather around that altar and adore what looks like bread. Doing so might appear to be irrational to the world we live in today.
But we know his Presence — and are reminded most beautifully at Christmastime.
At Christmas, God becomes one of us. He comes down from heaven and is born among us.