Originally published at crisis magazine
Syrian Christians and other minorities throughout the region have well-established reasons to worry about the fall of the Bashar al-Assad regime. The toppling of the Syrian government was sudden, performed by militants with ties to Al Qaeda and ISIS, and looked exactly like another of the U.S. foreign policy establishment’s proxy regime-change wars—which in the past have again and again led to the rape, slaughter, and ethnic cleansing of minorities in nations like Iraq and Libya.
Speaking out against that kind of cynical violence-by-proxy has been a hallmark of President-elect Donald Trump’s foreign policy rhetoric—and I have no doubt his humane attentiveness to the concerns of Middle Eastern peoples played a vital role in his recent reelection. After all, it’s why Syrian and other Middle Eastern ex-pats in the U.S. voted for him in record numbers.
The Western corporate media has, for years, done the bidding of the same shadowy and unaccountable deep state that runs the Biden administration. One of their tricks is to euphemistically call even the worst Jihadist thugs in Syria simply “freedom fighters” and “rebels” in order to legitimize the West’s regime-change ambitions.
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