Originally published at crisis magazine

Dear Conservative Dad,

I know that you love your adult children. I have a few adult children myself, and my husband and I would do anything for them—as long as it is for their good, both temporally and eternally. We’d give our lives for them, both in service over a lifetime and literally; we would take a bullet for them. 

So, what I am about to say to you is not said lightly. But it needs to be said:

Orthodox. Faithful. Free.

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If your adult child is telling you that she (because it’s most likely a daughter) is going to be voting for Kamala Harris and the Democrats this November, you need to cut off that child financially.

You must lovingly, tactfully, but firmly let that child know that you will no longer be supporting her with your hard-earned wages. If a child that you raised through the blood, sweat, and tears of the past couple of decades is about to help vote into the presidency a woman who opposes—and is set to destroy—all that you stand for (with potentially no coming back from it), then she doesn’t need