Originally published at National Catholic Register
Msgr. Ocáriz also addressed the question of Christian joy in relation to the theological virtues: faith, hope, and charity.
In his latest pastoral letter, the prelate of Opus Dei, Monsignor Fernando Ocáriz, reflected on how Christians should live joyfully in the context of “difficult times.”
“Joy, in general, is the effect of the possession and experience of something good. Depending on the type of goodness, joy has a greater or lesser intensity and permanence. When joy is not the consequence of some particular experience of a good, but the consequence of one’s whole existence, it is usually called happiness,” explained the successor of St. Josemaría Escrivá.
The prelate, who noted that “these are difficult times in the world and in the Church (and the [apostolate] is a small part of the Church),” also reminded that “always and in every circumstance, we can and should be happy.”
In this regard, he recalled how St. Josemaría was happy during his final years, despite the difficulties: “All of us who saw and heard our [spiritual] father in Villa Tevere during the last seven or eight years of his life saw that he was truly content and happy, even though he suffered greatly