Originally published at National Catholic Register

An early gift is coming for moviegoers for Advent and Christmas. The new film I Am The Immaculate Conception will begin showing in theaters nationwide starting Dec. 12. This magnificent docudrama, beautifully dramatized and photographed, is a Marian film that presents the Blessed Mother as flawlessly as possible for a movie. Scenes range from Mary’s early life and the Annunciation to after the Crucifixion, each one moving in its own way.

Because it is a docudrama, throughout the film, several experts on Scripture and Tradition weigh in on Mary and, naturally, the Immaculate Conception. With the Marian Fathers as collaborators on the film, familiar faces from the Marians appear throughout, including Fathers Chris Alar, Donald Calloway, Joseph Roesch, the superior general of the Marians, and Kazimierz Chwalek. They are also joined by other priests.

The film weaves a beautiful tapestry of many dramatic scenes and elements together with the commentaries, providing insights about Mary, what the Immaculate Conception means, and how its essential importance reverberates through the centuries. Even those already devoted to Mary should experience aha moments as the commentators make their devotional “gems” sparkle brighter and brighter.

For example, Father Alar sheds light on the Visitation this way: