Originally published at crisis magazine

We’re living on borrowed time. Election Day is immovably looming ahead, like the last feature on a roll through Freddy Fear’s House of Scares. We’re clicking toward it, buckled in with the master switch thrown to lock us in our seats. 

I try to make the most of every day while they still feel “normal,” though we know how tenuous “normal” is. Every morning, I laugh at the bird riots at my backyard feeder, smell the yellow roses blooming late in the garden, gratefully receive the Holy Eucharist. These daily events are treasures to hold dear while the Church suffers massive apostasy, America unconstitutionally goes to war, and a shadowy government tries to silence pro-lifers, patriots, Christians, and Jews. The enemy builds victory upon victory. 

We are mere dust motes in comparison. How big is the enemy? Five billion people were sleepwalked, coerced, or bribed into taking a gene-altering shot with zero long-term testing. Two-thirds of the world suspended their common sense, and most of the Catholic bishops helped. That’s a scary-big opponent. 

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We have already seen the enemy’s hatred of God in big-money abortion and