Originally published at crisis magazine

Left-leaning Americans, do you want to know why erstwhile good people are flocking to support Donald Trump? Do you really want to understand it and actually grapple with the reasons why people who you once saw as decent fellow Americans are supporting the man you believe to be a lecherous, grifting, egomaniacal political opportunist and convicted felon for president?

If you’re serious about wanting to understand why, I could point you to my article from 2022 on “Why I am Voting Republican”—because it all still holds true. But there is perhaps another reason that is pushing people to cast their 2024 vote for Trump: leftist gaslighting.

Let’s take a brief stroll down the news headlines of the past five years. Which of these “right-wing conspiracy theories” would you like to discuss?

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The Covid virus origination from a Wuhan lab leak? The legitimacy of Hunter Biden’s laptop? Hunter Biden’s business dealings involving Joe Biden’s influence-peddling? The domestic terrorist organization Antifa’s violent protests? The seizing and holding of sections of Portland, Oregon, by leftist demonstrators? Leftist prosecutors ignoring real criminals and prosecuting conservatives instead? President Biden’s worsening dementia