Originally published at Churchpop

The canonization of Blessed Carlo Acutis will happen soon!

The soon-to-be saint, whose feast day is October 12, was beatified in 2020. But did you know that the miracle recognized by the Vatican, which made this possible, happened in Brazil?

Young Matheus Vianna, who suffered from a rare disease called annular pancreas, was completely cured after touching a Carlo Acutis relic in a church in Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil.

Eleven years after the miracle, Matheus lives with his mother and brother on a farm in Anápolis. In an interview with the UOL, the boy’s grandmother, Solange Lins Vianna, said he is “a normal teenager who likes to eat, play games, and be on his cell phone.”

She also said he prefers to live a more reserved life.

Vianna said Matheus, now 14, goes to Mass with her and keeps a painting of the future saint with him. She says that Matheus’ mother also “lives a life of seclusion, only to pray.”

Vianna also said that when he was younger, Matheus liked to play Mass, and even asked for a cassock as a birthday present.

For the family, it was a great joy to learn of the young man’s canonization: “We were very moved. For us, Carlo