Originally published at crisis magazine

A vote for Kamala Harris is a vote for nuclear war.

A shocking statement, to be sure, but one that is echoed by some of America’s top Russia experts. International affairs analyst and historian Gilbert Doctorow, who spent years in Russia, is fluent in Russian, and still has numerous highly-placed contacts there, warns that, thanks to the actions of the Biden-Harris administration, we are closer to nuclear war than ever in history. 

The late Russia scholar Stephen Cohen, also highly experienced and well-connected, was already warning in 2018 that nuclear war could be imminent due to the trouble that Obama’s CIA and State Department had stirred up by staging the 2014 coup that overthrew Ukraine’s democratically elected government. Ten years after, high officials on both sides of the conflict are now discussing nuclear war as if it is a thinkable option.

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Jeffrey Sachs has been brokering international negotiations for decades, working at such high levels that he was literally in the room with Boris Yeltsin at the Kremlin on Christmas Day 1991, when the heads of the Soviet armed forces agreed to the dissolution of the