Originally published at Ignatian Spirituality

As a mother, I set the tone for my home. I try to keep the mood upbeat and positive. I am always cheering on my husband’s work at the office, my eldest’s latest foray into jazz, or my youngest’s first days at his new school.

“I know you can do it! I’m so proud of you!”

I sometimes sound like a mother in a television sitcom. “I’m proud of you already!”

I should buy some pompoms.

But if I am being honest, sometimes I am tired of being everyone’s cheerleader. My cheerleading isn’t disingenuous. I am an encourager; that’s one of my gifts. It’s just that I wish someone were cheering for me.

This is why a quote from Vinita Hampton Wright’s 2025: A Book of Grace-Filled Days stopped me in my tracks. “Do you generally think of God of the Universe as being for you? I hope so. I hope it occurs to you at least once a day that the Creator of all is on your side, is rooting for you to do well and grow in wisdom and in grace.”

The answer to this question for me was no. I don’t think of God cheering me on.