Originally published at Ignatian Spirituality

This story is in the tradition of Ignatian contemplation.

“Mima! Are you home?” Jesus called as he knocked rapidly. I recognized the voice of my young neighbor immediately. Of course, no one else calls me by that pet name, which he gave me before he could pronounce Myriam. He lives just a few doors away.

“Come in! I’ve got some fresh-baked challah,” I replied, slicing a thick piece as the 10-year-old entered. I love when he visits.

“Mima, I’ve got to tell you about Hebrew school today,” he said after giving me a tight squeeze and eagerly accepting my fresh-baked bread. “We learned about the prophet Jeremiah. He got a feeling that he should go to the potter’s house and watch him work. And while he watched, God gave Jeremiah a message.” Jesus paused to chew as I poured him a cup of water.

“God shapes every human being,” Jesus said, “just like a potter makes a vase, or jar, or something. Each one is unique. And God loves everything that is formed in those loving hands. God sees real beauty in every creation.”

I kept listening, nodding. I could feel his eagerness to teach me what he knew.
