Originally published at National Catholic Register

‘The good news that Jesus brought to the world must once again be proclaimed to all and allowed to shine forth in all its beauty,’ he said. The Pope also spoke of the suffering of abuse survivors, following his Friday meeting with 17 victims of clerical abuse.

A “crisis of faith” in the West requires a return to the Gospel, Pope Francis told Belgian bishops on Saturday morning at the National Basilica of the Sacred Heart in Brussels.

Addressing more than 2,500 priests, deacons, religious sisters, seminarians, catechists and bishops gathered inside the basilica, the Pope emphasized the urgency of evangelization in Europe.

“The changes in our time and the crisis of faith we are experiencing in the West have impelled us to return to what is essential, namely the Gospel,” Pope Francis said.

“The good news that Jesus brought to the world must once again be proclaimed to all and allowed to shine forth in all its beauty,” he added.

The Pope’s remarks come at a critical time for the Catholic Church in Belgium, which is facing significant declines in public trust and participation.

Only 50% of Belgians identified as Catholic in 2022, a decline of 16%