Originally published at National Catholic Register

The lives of those who sacrificed for freedom on Oct. 25, 1944, summon us to integrate faith into action, following Christ’s example of heroic charity.

As Catholics, we are called to integrate our faith into every aspect of our daily lives. Our relationship with God and the teachings of Christ are not confined to the walls of a church or limited to specific moments of prayer. Rather, our faith is a living reality that must permeate every interaction, decision and endeavor. Whether we are priests, deacons, religious or laypeople, each of us has a unique vocation that invites us to embody Christ’s love and teachings in our own distinct way.

For those of us who serve as deacons, our role encompasses both visible and subtle aspects of ministry. We are called to participate in liturgical functions, preach the Word and engage in charitable works — these are the more apparent elements of our vocation. Yet, the true essence of our calling extends far beyond these formal duties. It involves reflecting Christ’s love and compassion in all that we do, not only within the confines of the Church but also in the ordinary circumstances of everyday life. Whether we are