Originally published at Churchpop

The month of January is dedicated to the Holy Name of Jesus!

We are called to direct our attention to the power of the Lord’s name in our lives and encourage others to treat the name of Jesus with the utmost respect.

According to the National Catholic Register,“The name ‘Jesus’ comes from the Latin form of the Greek ‘Iesous’ (Ἰησοῦς), which in turn is the transliteration of the Hebrew ‘Yeshua’ (Yehošuaʕ) or ‘Yehoshua’ (Yehošuaʕ) or, in its contracted form, ‘Joshua,’  which means ‘Yahweh’ is salvation.The beginnings of the veneration of the Most Holy Name of Jesus date back to the liturgical celebrations of the 14th century. Saint Bernardine of Siena in the 15th century, along with his disciples, spread the veneration of the Name of Jesus and a century later, around 1530, Pope Clement VII granted the Franciscan order authorization for the celebration of the Office of the Holy Name of Jesus.”

Saint Bernardine of Siena said, 

“This is that most Holy Name longed for by the patriarchs, anxiously awaited, called upon amid cries of suffering, invoked with sighs, implored with tears, given when the fullness of grace arrives” 

Below you will find a selection of prayers dedicated to honoring the Most Holy Name of